...but then Dr. Orey mentioned to the class that he was trying to get a graphic design SIG, but that he would like to somehow capture that info. The topics to be covered were design/layout, fonts, and color.
Ah, color. Although I am a font addict (I admit it~ I had close to 1000 at one time) color is my old friend. Anyhow, I offered as my project to somehow incorporate the color component of the SIG into a project on color & color theory. I am not sure where I am going beyond that.
Now, I know this project should be fun :) but for anyone who knows me they know that I am all about color. (I have taken color theory workshops in the past and of course, studied color theory through art classes)
I get bored in drawing classes if there is no color (beyond b&w!)
So, here is what I hope to include:
-SIG Color components (whatever material/formats)?
-My own color resources links (I have tons of bookmarks)
-Suggested readings links (a few very good books on color & color theory & online books )
-Good uses/bad uses of color (screenshots & links)
-Some kind of color demonstration or interactive color mixer (a flash thing)
What do you think? I know it sounds like work, but I swear that this will be fun for me. :)